Thursday, November 17, 2016

Suck It Up, Buttercup

The Age of Dusk.

Welcome to the rude awakening - after the dismal dawning of the Age of Aquarius. 

Alas, another fruitless harvest has been cultivated and harvested from the fields of Woodstock.

Now is the Autumn of their discontent and America is fast becoming a garden of anarchy. 

Those surly seeds, spawned and planted by the 'flower power' generation, 
have yielded an listless landscape of purposeless Buttercups.

Vapid neediness has been sown into the fabric of our nation 
and it is being propagated by those aged grim reapers of indignation and intolerance. 

There is still time to salvage our heartiest crops before they are completely strangled and suffocated by the meandering vines of entitlement.

So grab a 'basket of deplorables' - 
it's time to start weeding.

post and video by Donna.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Cloud of Corruption

Post and Image by Donna

On Fox News recently, Monica Crowley evoked the image of Hillary Clinton as the beloved, (albeit oblivious) character Pigpen. It was a great visual concept, easily brought to life. 
Good grief, Hillary is the undaunted and dust haunted miscreant from the Peanuts series! 

Although Hillary Clinton has led a privileged existence through most of her lifetime, her forced presence into American politics has been continuously mired by the stale air of corruption. It is the pungent and unforgiving  stench of scandal that seems to follow her every footstep, while she trudges through so many self-inflicted political storms. 

Although endless acts of poor judgment - and countless cases of criminal activities might temporarily distract us from her black cloud of corruption  - 

Where will we be as a nation, when the dust finally settles?

Cash Cow

Post by Guest Blogger: Kimba

I've been seeing, reading and hearing about why we should not vote for Trump and a few reasons why not to vote for Hillary. I do not like a lot of things Trump has done as a citizen; however, I strongly hate the things that Hillary did as a First Lady - and as Secretary of State. First women, just a few weeks before the election, came forward to accuse Trump of sexually assaulting them.
Hmm, that brings to mind a few questions:
Why didn't they come forward when it happened?
Why not come out when all of those women started accusing Bill Cosby?
But suddenly, when Trump was leading in the polls, these accusers come forward...that just makes me scratch my head and wonder how stupid does the DNC and the Hillary campaign think we, the public, are?

Were we not aware that Hillary was responsible for the deaths in Benghazi?

That Hillary erased so many emails that were a danger to our national security?

That Hillary was aware of the DNC's insider campaign to ruin Ben Carson's campaign?  

That Hillary demanded that Trump's accusers be believed but called those women who accused her husband of making unwanted sexual advances liars. 
I know of people who are voting for Hillary because she is a woman and
"it's about time for that particular glass ceiling is shattered"!
Seriously? So, Trump is rude some of the time. 
Trump doesn't always plan out what he's going to say.
Trump curses, at times. He wants to protect our country and its people.
He wants people to be able to afford health care and food at the same time!
He wants all people wanting to move to our country to be vetted. 
(Let me explain how vetting is not un-American)
Millions of future Americans entered our country by way of Ellis Island. Many were held there and later transferred to my current town of Gloucester City Internment Center. Some endured numerous hearing and interrogations about where they "really" came from.
Many German spies were caught and held at Ellis Island. What could have happened if they weren't - but instead slowly began the Nazi propaganda here?
Now what if FDR didn't declare war when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor? Where would America be now if we lost that war and Hitler's Germany came to spread their vicious anti-Jew, anti-developmentally disabled, anti-anything Hitler hated? Hillary doesn't care about this country or you! She cares about money! That's what it all comes down! But, wait, Trump likes money! Here's the difference between Trump and Hillary. Trump EARNED his money. Yes....he lost a lot but then made it back! Hillary? She didn't really earn it, did she? Where did they get the millions they have now when she is on record that when they left the White House they were dead broke! But within a few years, millions!
For what?
Be-smart! Be-ware! Be very-ware!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Stop the Purge

Post and Video by Donna

A traditional two party system no longer exists in America. 

Our traditional Republican and Democratic views are not the mainstay focus of either party. While Republicans are reeling from obvious growing pains from our new birth of freedom, the Democrats are continuing to groom their bastard child movement, spawned by a Socialist agenda.

As traditional values struggle to survive within this bully pulpit, we the people are searching for our identity. We are a movement without a permanent home - but our permeating voice remains.

We are at a crossroads in this nation. The will of the people has been replaced by massive corruption of our political system.

This may be our last opportunity to save our Republic from radical leftists.

We can make America great again.

Donald Trump for President. 
Stop the purge.

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