Post and Video by Donna
All hail the hypocrisy of the first-official-female candidate for President!
The general rule for the Clintons is that there are no rules for the Clintons
Lesson One.
Do as the Clintons say - and not as the Clintons do.
All rules, (other than Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals'), simply do not apply to the Clintons.Lesson Two.
A glimpse into Hillary Clinton's, Democratic hierarchy is now being exposed in hacked emails, never intended for public viewing. One of those emails, written by Karuna Seshasai (a Clinton campaign staffer), discussed the huge gender gap in salaries at the Clinton Foundation. This willful gap includes a $190,000 median difference between the highest salaries for men compared to the salaries of women, within the Foundation.
In an email, (released by Wikileaks - and written to Democratic operative Ian Mandel), Seshasai warns that 8 out of 11 top posts within the Foundation, are held by men.
Regarding Equal Salary -
Only 3 of the 11 highest paid employees of the Clinton Foundation are women.
The average salary of the highest paid man at the Clinton Foundation is $294,157.50.
The average salary of the highest paid woman is $181,576.66.
That equates to a cost effective gender gap over $112,000.
The median salary of the highest paid man is $346,106.
The median salary of the highest paid woman is $185,386.
That equates to a cost effective gender gap over $160,000 *
However, in the original email, the Clinton staffer did not add these numbers correctly.
The actual email states: "Median salary of the highest paid men is $346,106, while the median salary of the highest paid women is $185,386 ($190K difference)" *
Perhaps someone needs to better audit those books at the Foundation.
However, in the original email, the Clinton staffer did not add these numbers correctly.
The actual email states: "Median salary of the highest paid men is $346,106, while the median salary of the highest paid women is $185,386 ($190K difference)" *
Perhaps someone needs to better audit those books at the Foundation.
Lesson Three.
According to newly released emails, Mandel (who later joined the Clinton campaign), was concerned that a recent State Department story about pay equity, would prompt an investigation into the Foundation's equity gender gap. Mandel was rightfully concerned that the salary gap would be discovered. This would be of major concern to Clinton because her State Department also underpaid women an average of only 72 cents to every dollar made by men. The hypocrisy was clear. A woman's right to equal pay is of little importance to Hillary Clinton - - unless it can be spun as campaign fodder for Hillary Clinton.
Masking her choice to enable equity gender gaps, Clinton's campaign website contains the following quotes:
"Women earn less than men across our economy —
and women of color often lose out the most.”
"We should promote pay transparency across the economy and work to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act — a bill Hillary introduced as senator — to give women the tools they need to fight discrimination in the workforce.”
Hillary Clinton, the self-proclaimed defender of women, has promised but never delivered equal pay to the women employed by her State Department. Likewise, Clinton does not provide equal pay to the women who are working for her at the Clinton Foundation.
Lesson Four.
Despite her claims, Hillary Clinton has zero history of providing equal pay for women, and she will continue this pattern if she becomes president. She has spent a lifetime concerned with only one woman - and she will no doubt continue to line her polyester, pantsuit pockets with donations procured from foreign dictators, shady deals and tax payer dollars.
Have we learned our lesson yet?
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