Thursday, October 13, 2016

Sick and Tired - of Hillary's Lies

Since I made this video, the Clinton campaign came forward with new information that Hillary Clinton had been diagnosed with pneumonia. Although this sounds like a temporary condition, the diagnosis of pneumonia does not explain many other ongoing symptoms - and the American public should be demanding to see the medical records of someone seeking our highest office.

Explosive bouts of anger. Fainting.
Excessive outbursts of laughter.
Confusion. Stumbling. Falling.

Clinton is increasingly becoming incapable of performing the most basic of duties.

Aside from her physical ailments, let's not forget that Hillary Clinton destroyed over 30,000 emails, regarding her time as Secretary of State. This is an unprecedented act - not to mention, an illegal one.

The content of those emails continue to trickle out, due to court orders and hackers. We recently discovered that Hillary's closest aide, Huma Abedin, wrote about Clinton's "confusion" as well as her increasing need for "naps" and "constant supervision"

Mental confusion. Endless coughing fits. Fainting spells. Dizziness. Prolonged bathroom breaks.
Mood swings. A blatant refusal to hold any official press conferences. What is she hiding?

What do we know?
Hillary Clinton was diagnosed with DVT and blood clots in her brain.
She also suffered a severe concussion after one of her last falls - and she suffers from Hypothyroidism. Why is the media remaining silent about such serious medical conditions? Corruption. The mainstream media will never disclose the truth about Hillary Clinton because they have become no more than an extended arm of the DNC - and they will remain, Hillary Clinton's first line of defense.
Should we be more worried about Donald Trump's use of inarticulate words -
or Hillary Clinton's need to use her staff as human crutches?

If Mrs. Clinton has already been diagnosed with several diseases that will impedes her ability to travel -  what other truths will be discovered if and when the veil of protection is finally lifted?

Will we ever know the truth?
Can we afford to wait?
~ Post and video by Donna

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