The End Game |
Pay no attention to the smoke and mirrors game being played by the left, regarding Donald Trump and Russia. These orchestrated distractions have no merit and serve only to provide cover for the failed policies of Obama's administration. It is simply a sign of desperation.
Facts are pesky things.
Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State for the Obama administration.
Before the end of her term, the president of the United States, Barack Obama, delivered an ominous message to the interim president of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev. Obama leaned toward Medvedev and whispered , "This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility." This "private" message was broadcast over an open microphone and the world soon knew what America had long suspected - Obama was willing to concede favors to Russia, once he had secured his second term in office.
Combined with Hillary's giddy presentation of a cartoon-worthy reset button to Russia's Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, there is no mistaking that this administration has been willing to sacrifice the security of this nation for political favoritism. Thanks to the conditions of Clinton's failed reset, Russia was able to reverse America's plans for missile defense in Europe and the stage was set for an invasion of Crimea. The button stunt has become the gift-that-keeps-on-giving because it has also opened the door to Russia for expanded nuclear cooperation with Iran.
Evidence of Clinton's incompetency continues to mount.
Conditions of Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal have further validated the fecklessness of his administration. According to the AP, "Key restrictions on Iran's nuclear program, imposed under an international negotiated deal, will start to ease before the 15 years accord expires. This will advance Tehran's ability to build a bomb, even before the end of the pact." It is noteworthy that Iran will start replacing its mainstay centrifuges with thousands of advanced machines, as of January, 2027. Part of the Obama Administration's agreement with Iran also states that Iran would be subjected to no surprise inspections, and America would not participate in any future inspections. Full details, regarding the actual provisions of this deal are being kept from the American people. If Hillary Clinton becomes president, the secret dealings of this Obama administration will never be known and the American people will remain in the dark about the extent of danger that is currently being imposed on our nation.
The end game is clear. The business dealings of Donald Trump serve only as a purposeful distraction. There is overwhelming evidence that Hillary Clinton and John Podesta, (the chairman of her campaign), actively courted Russian patronage and more importantly, she allowed the State Department to approve the infamous Uranium One Deal. She shockingly placed 20% of U.S. uranium resources into the hands of a Russian firm by allowing Russia to purchase an American owned company, Uranium One.
Uranium One is now a Putin-controlled company with cozy ties to the Clintons.
The company has also been a known donor to the Clinton Foundation.
If her pockets are being lined by Russia - how can any American be with her?
- Post and image by Donna
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